Cambio de régimen fiscal
Descubre cuándo y cómo cambiar tu régimen fiscal ante el SAT paso a paso. Asegura el cumplimiento de tus obligaciones sin contratiempos.
Electronic invoice validation
Easily verify the authenticity of your invoices with the SAT. Avoid mistakes, detect invalid receipts, and protect your business with this guide.
Natural Person or Legal Entity
Discover the differences between an individual and a corporation, their advantages, and how to register with the SAT. Choose the best option for your business with this guide.
How to generate a CSD for invoicing
Discover how to generate a Digital Seal Certificate (CSD) in Mexico step by step and issue electronic invoices legally and securely.
Invoicing at the SAT
Learn how to generate electronic invoices on the SAT portal and discover Cretia, an efficient alternative to simplify your tax management.